Wednesday, 1 June 2011

A long silence

Apologies for staying quiet for so long.
April went by in an expensive flash. Term came to an end and the boys and I set off on a return trip to the UK in our automotive "shed". Unfortunately the shed decided it didn't want to go to the UK and opted for an expensive rescue from the peage/motorway. We spent several hours on a tow truck exploring the rural roads somewhere north of Dijon and finally ended up at the Volvo dealership in Dijon itself.
The Volvo dealership was vey flashy, very big and shared its forecourt with Jaguars and Aston Martins. The arrival of the shed with its natty yellow electrical tape stripes holding the wing mirror together (done in Andy's absence) was unwelcome, as were we! The following hour was farcical as more and more customers complained about the way in which we were being treated. And the French do not hold back when they argue : it is quite a spectator sport and, at times, quite terrifying.
Anyway a few days later, and much sooner than anticipated, I was reunited with my car. It was still not fighting fit but I decided to make another attempt at the journey to the UK. Nine hours later we were with Andy at Pinewood Studios where he chivalrously swapped the old shed for a much newer, more reliable and decidedly less smelly family car. The shed is dead - long live the conservatory!
We spent a very relaxed week with family in Devon and Somerset, stocked the car with good old English cheddar and red leicester and decent dark chocolate digestives, and then all four of us drove back to France.
Sadly, Andy could only stay for a few days and returned to the UK on his motorbike to continue working on Midsomer Murders.
At the beginning of May the boys went back to school where they continue to thrive. Their teachers are very pleased with the progress they are making. Dan has quite a sizeable part in a play which he knows inside out and has been ad-libbing in French with great success during rehearsals. The boys have had lots of opportunities to try out new activities too. Dan is on a kayaking course and Callum has fallen in love with Judo.
And every Wednesday we drive to Genlis, just south of Dijon, where Callum plays rugby and Dan plays football. Andy and I are so proud of them. It is not easy when you are a newcomer at a club, but it is even harder when it is a different language too. The boys do not have any of their school friends at these clubs but have worked hard to make new friends and do very well following the instructions that their coaches bark at them.
I am getting to grips with wire brushing, priming and painting the boat - again.

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