Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Fun with languages

Since October I have been attending a French language class at the local college. It is free to non-French speaking parents of school age children in the St Jean area. I am not sure that my language skills are improving but I am certainly getting plenty to giggle about!
The group is predominantly Turkish. Thrown into the mix are an Italian and a Romanian and myself. Our teacher is Syrian. And although I do not speak Italian or Romanian I am now their official interpreter in class. Sometimes I am Rolf Harris and can only convey meaning by a "do you know what it is yet?" cartoon. And at other times I am the "lady of the dictionary" with access to the French dictionaries for all the classroom languages.
Despite our language barriers we have forged great friendships and have discovered words which are virtually the same in all our languages. This list is work in progress and by no means exhaustive and consists of the unquestionably essential combination of  : piano, elephant, parachute & aeroplane.
I just need a scenario where I can get all those things in one phrase...

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