Friday 14 May 2010

Farewell to Thorpe Infants

I was given a fantastic send-off on my final day at Thorpe Infants. Lots of hugs from the children during the day and a very special assembly in the afternoon which was filled with song, prayers and lots of laughter. The children had made cards which I will always treasure and the staff presented me with a beautiful silver starfish necklace.
After work the staff gathered en masse at a local hostelry and gave me an enormous crate festooned with England flags. There were so many gifts inside! All pertinent to the big trip :
camembert, french bread, garlic, live snails from the enviromental garden (safely released in pub garden), sun protector, AA route planner for the channel, West Europe guide, 4 black berets for the Skipper, First Mate and Crew, shipping forecast tea towel, assorted tape and gunge and plugs and plasters for below waterline repairs, 1st Aid Kit, string of o
nions, pirate night-light holder, 2 x nautical shirts, fish recipe book, game, newpsaper articles about the art of doing nothing, French phrase book, sea sickness tablets, waterproof matches, a compass and a fabulous album of photos of the boys and I pretending to work in school. Phew!!!
A massive thank you to all the parents and children and the fantastic staff at Thorpe Infants. We will miss you very much.

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