Friday 11 June 2010

Friday fun

"Does it rain all the time in Belgium?" enquired Callum.
So far the boys have only seen it in the rain and today is no exception. We swapped the rain for a local waterpark and spent two hours swimming and sliding and sinking. The rain departed and in the afternoon we took the boys on a cycle ride up to the coast. Big thanks to Kieran for handing on his bike - Callum did very well on it.
Cycling is the norm here and the bike paths are amazing. Absolutely everyone cycles - all ages. And neon pink and yellow lycra spans many generations!
"I like it in Belgium" announced Callum as he wearily climbed into bed.


  1. oh I've got yet another tear in my eye. I'm sure it won't rain all the time Callum :-) How exciting to be somewhere with somewhere safe to ride the bikes. Wait for it you'll be cycling Europe next!!! :-) Missing you very much this end of the channel. Take care.... Love Narelle xox
    P.S. Stay away from pink lycra Andy no matter how tempted you are!!!!!

  2. It's too late! The pink lycra is here to stay!
