Friday 23 July 2010

Food Miles

Enjoyed a beautiful trip along the river from Choisy au Bac, snaking our way through ancient forests.
Lock-keepers welcome us with a smile and they walk along their lock inspecting our decks and our garden. Comments are always made about the potatoes and carrots and the abundant tomatoes and red peppers. Eyebrows are raised at the gooseberries, blackcurrants and blueberries – they would be raised even higher if they actually tasted some of them as they are quite tart!  We are now enjoying a good harvest but this has raised the question of food miles. Is our produce rated at zero food miles or is it notching up a ludicrous mileage now that it has travelled so far and through three countries?
We are now moored up for a few days in the village of Vic-sur-Aisne which feels like it would belong in the Cotswolds. We have a large grassy area alongside and the boys have been playing freely. Football, tennis and archery. Their football skills are improving rapidly and there have been several tense matches with plenty of souvenir bruises.

1 comment:

  1. What a trip. WE too have been to the railway carriages where the armistices were signed. An eery place but surrounded by welcoming villages and lovely countryside. You seem to be making huge progress. Are you going to stop when you reach the Mediterranean or are we Morrocco bound?
    So what are you planting for the next harvest as you must be working through the crops. How about some vines for your own wine next year?
    Hope the sun keeps shining on you.
    Mum says "Bet you called out Mij to the otters"
    Mimi and Gaga
