Saturday 9 October 2010

Lobelia's New Home.

The barge is moored alongside many other barges in an old lock off the River Saone. It is a very green and pleasant area and pitch black at night, which makes for fabulous star gazing. We have an eclectic mix of neighbours. Lots of Brits (including an OFSTED inspector) who are slowly packing up and heading back to the UK for the winter. Our next door neighbours are French and have three children. The eldest two are girls and the same age as Dan and Callum. So far they seem to get on well and we are all hoping that they will teach each other their respective languages.
We have a massive garden and need to set up barricades to keep out the resident gaggle of geese.
The boys have freedom to roam the area and are thoroughly enjoying the opportunity. They have been given carte blanche to go into the Marina boss’ garden and they delight in finding an abundance of marbles which seem to be scattered there.
The boating community is massive and a mix of Brits, French, Belgians, Germans and Swiss. Under the guidance of the boss at the Marina, they have developed over many years into a highly organised group. They have regular social events, book swaps, language groups and a radio station which broadcasts on VHF at 0930 daily. Akin to the Flying Doctor service, the network gives weather, navigation and currency reports and gives listeners the opportunity to state medical needs, announce social events and arrange swaps in Thursday’s Treasures of the Bilge section. We have become avid listeners and the four of us huddle around the radio in the wheelhouse every morning. It is highly entertaining.

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