Monday 4 October 2010

You have reached your destination. Where's the gap?

We have made it! At midday today we made a final short journey to our winter mooring in the old lock at St Jean de Losne. Both boys took shifts at the wheel as we danced down the Saone. Then Andy took the helm and Lobelia shimmied delicately between barges of all shapes and sizes which crowd the entrance to the old lock. 

Neighbours appeared and helped as we tied Lobelia up for the winter.
The boys scampered ashore to explore and make friends with a friendly dog. Everyone was happy.

1 comment:

  1. And a very nice Winter mooring it is. We certainly enjoyed our trip along the canal and river and feel quite envious of the Barging Baileys as they meander along through France. The boys command of the language is terrific and Andy and Siobhan bellow abuse in multiple languages at any who cross their path or take too much room at the moorings.
    Quite dull at home.
    Love The Tucker grandparents
