Sunday 10 October 2010


Visited Louhans agricultural market today. It was a market with a difference. Louhans is a beautiful old town with cobbled streets, timber framed houses and ancient shopping arcades. The food market was vibrant and filled with delicious goodies and smells. However, the animal market was the big hit with all of us. Geese, turkeys, ducks, chickens, pigeons, quail, puppies, kittens, goats, rabbits, pigs, boar and budgies in abundance. Shoppers take great care in selecting their purchases and there is a lot of chat before the deal is done. And then the purchase must be taken home through the market…

And did you know that rabbits lay eggs?

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing journey, and you have documented it so beautifully so that we can all enjoy it with you :-) The thing is it brings a tear to my eye every time I have a gander!!!! You're really missed Siobhan (and the boys of course :-)) Well have to tell you about skiing!!!! Going boxing day for a week, awkward timing I know. I've already checked the map to see what the distance between us is!!! we'll be near to Peisey-Nancroix, around 200km from you!!! We're flying into Lyon which is about a 2 1/2 hr journey to out destination. If you're at a loose end!!!! We've got bodies everywhere in the apartment so I can't offer you a bed though :-(( but you can watch me fall over on the piste then we can go on the piste (if you know what I mean!!) Shame I'm going to miss you half term was looking forward to seeing you all. Hope to see you soon though, mark has a few stints in France soon maybe I'll drag along with him as long as it's in school hols of course!!!!! Take very good care Love as always Narelle xxx
